Nephilim | 13.10.2011 08:10
Švédští In Slaughter Natives se po sedmi letech ticha hlásí s novou nahrávkou.
Label Infinite Fog oznámil, že 7. listopadu vydá třídiskový box živých nahrávek In Slaughter Natives s názvem "Insanity & Treatment". Komplet vyjde v limitované digipackové edici v počtu 999 kopií. Po sedmi dlouhých letech se tak Jouni Havukainen hlásí s novým počinem. Najdete zde záznam živých vystoupení z Madridu, Francie, Prahy a Moskvy, na nahrávkách se podíleli také krajané Tomas Pettersson (Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio) and Peter Andersson (Raison d'Etre). O design se postaral Jerome Nougaillon (Propergol, Cosmos Entropy, Old Iron Fence).
- Tracks CD1 "Mort Aux Vaches":
- Truth Awakening [Awakening]
- Clean Cathedral
- Purgate My Stain [Pure]
- Sacred Worms
- To Mega Therion
- Death, Just Only Death
- Skin Sore Eyes
- Burn My Rest
Track 1 – 7 I.S.N Copulates with VPRO's Nachtleven 'Grand Disco Classique'; Paper doll setup: [Voice] Jan Bohman [Deconstruction] J.Havukainen [Decompositions] Peter Andersson; Track 8 Performed in Prague 1995. Stage setup: [Voice] Jan Bohman [Keys & Mix] J.Havukainen [Keys] Peter Andersson
Tracks CD2 "Live in Madrid": - Intro/Truth Awakening
- You are the Dead
- Still tearing My Life away
- As My Shield
- Ashes of Angels
- Blood Testural
- Purgate My Stain
- Sacred Worms
- Clean Cathedral
Track 1 - 7 Insanity gains Madrid, April 19th 2008. Stage treatment: [Mouthing] J.Havukainen. [Wave shaping] Kathleen Binder. [Skin pounding & wave disturbances] Tomas Pettersson; Track 8 & 9 Insanity faced in Lyon, October 9th 2004. Stage setup: [Vocal perversions] J.Havukainen; [Key perversions] Tomas Pettersson.
Tracks CD3 "Live in Moscow": - Intro/Clean Cathedral
- Still just only Death
- Tearing My Life away
- 5th Skin
- As My Shield
- Never closed My Eyes
- You are the Dead
- Purgate My Stain
- Blood Testural
- Consume My burning Hollow
- Cut Me here
- Ashes of Angels
- Skin Sore Eyes
- Sacred Worms
Track 1 - 14, Treatment tasting Moscow, June 4th 2009. Stage hallucinations: [Oral movement] J.Havukainen; [Waveform absolution] Kathleen Binder.
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