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Hi, we are Frech, and we were at Prague at 17 may.<br />Very sympatical zombie walk<br /><br /><embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x5p1zg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="320" height="256" allowfullscreen="true" /> <p> <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5p1zg_zombie-walk-at-prague-17-may-2008_music">Zombie Walk at Prague 17 may 2008</a><br /> Vidéo envoyée par <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/LyonNewWave">LyonNewWave</a> </p> <p> Music by The Naked Man (Electronique / Post-punk / New Wave) </p><br /><br />Ii you are on these pictures, and if you want free photo, or contact us, send us an email on http://www.myspace.com/LyonNewWave or on http://LyonNewWave.free.fr it will be pleased (in engllish or french please)
Zadej správnou odpověď.