[18] Oh, thank you :-). I believe it will be easy for you to find Rock Café club (see the map below) it's near the Wenceslav Square or the National Theatre. Furthermore I think that people should be able to tell you the way if you ask them about "Rock Café". As for the bands...not exactly, Tabor Radosti and Alvarez Perez are from here but L'ahka Muza is the Slovak project . But I think it would be interesting introduction to the Czech/Slovak gothic music for you anyway. ;-) About dance parties - exactly - there are gothic parties "sometimes". For example we organised such a party last weekend, but this event in Rock Café (followed by afterparty where you can dance according to your wish) is also the last live gig in here in 2007. I hope you will enjoy it :-). Feel free to ask me if there is anything we could help you with :-)
Map to Rock Café: http://www.mapy.cz/#x=133066788@y=135932344@z=15@mm=ZP@sa=s@st=s@ssq=rock%20cafe%20narodni@sss=1@ssp=133054608_135924192_133083376_135950160
[18] Oh, thank you :-). I believe it will be easy for you to find Rock Café club (see the map below) it's near the Wenceslav Square or the National Theatre. Furthermore I think that people should be able to tell you the way if you ask them about "Rock Café". As for the bands...not exactly, Tabor Radosti and Alvarez Perez are from here but L'ahka Muza is the Slovak project . But I think it would be interesting introduction to the Czech/Slovak gothic music for you anyway. ;-) About dance parties - exactly - there are gothic parties "sometimes". For example we organised such a party last weekend, but this event in Rock Café (followed by afterparty where you can dance according to your wish) is also the last live gig in here in 2007. I hope you will enjoy it :-). Feel free to ask me if there is anything we could help you with :-)
Map to Rock Café: http://www.mapy.cz/#x=133066788@y=135932344@z=15@mm=ZP@sa=s@st=s@ssq=rock%20cafe%20narodni@sss=1@ssp=133054608_135924192_133083376_135950160