Thirteen tracks through the ears of Lamia Vox.
Darkambient artist Lamia Vox will perform her very first DJ set in her career within PGT in two weeks. So we sent her thirteen "blind" tracks and ask her to share her opinion with us. This is the result.
This part of the Concerto is favorite part. This classical piano piece has been accompanying me since the very childhood, as my mother used to play it.
The second track I know very well too, it is Angel Meat by In Slaughter Natives. The track has been re-issued recently (well, in my terms) as a part of Cannula Coma Legio album, which came out on the Cyclic Law in 2014. However, the version you provided originate from 1992 and is a classic of Cold Meat Industry label and “golden age” of dark ambient. Indeed, this album, Enter Now the World, is probably one of my personal favorites in the genre and it is destined to remain classic.
This one is “The Boy has built a Catacomb” by SOPOR AETERNUS & the Ensemble of Shadows from Mitternacht album released at 2014. I confess I have never been a big fan of this music, but those bands like him and Cinema Strange (whom I like much more, honestly) are those who create the modern face of gothic music now. Like it or not, this is very good piece, in terms of music production or unique melodic content..
The Devil & The Universe one of the songs from Haunted Summer album. The idea of multiple live drums on stage is very good, people seem to appreciate it highly.
It is "Dead End Roads" song by those new Danish new wave The Foreign Resort. I don’t like them much, actually. The Cure’s Pornography, however, which they are so often compared to, is one of my five all-time favorite albums ever. TFR is, so to say, gothic music without gothic essence in it. It is quite typical phenomena of the modern time, be is post-black mental, post-goth or alike. The shape persist while the content is absent.
This track I do not know, though the melodies and music reminds me a bit Linea Aspera or Pleasure Symbols. I like how it sounds. What is it?
This track sounds familiar to me; however, I cannot remember what it is. The vocal reminds me Atari Teenage Riot, but they are more punkish than this one…
Wow. The track (which I have never heard before) contains everything which I hate the most in gothic music. The melody, the instruments, this vocal…oh my… :).
This one is "Tied And Blinded" by new German band FORMALIN. I don’t actually listen to the music like this. They are often compared with Old School bands, I would however, say they remind me rather of a Combichrist.
This one is Czech based band Tábor Radosti, song "Integrita". I really like how it sounds as well as the esoteric and theosophical topics the band explores. Hypnotizing, deep and mesmerizing.
"Lucretia My Reflection", undead classics by English the Sisters of Mercy. Of course, I know it, and of course, I love it. I have grown up with this. As with such bands as English Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, the Cure, The Danse Society, german The Fair Sex and Scarlet Masque, French Little Nemo etc.
Juno Reactor, the song Immaculate. I like this band, however, I cannot remember any specific emotions related to it.
Angelspit. Crazy band. I cannot handle this myself (with the sound turned on at least), but I know many people who actually enjoy listening that :).

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