Stahujte zdarma nový singl gothic rockerů Arts of Erebus

Francouzsko/německá gothic rocková parta nabízí bezplatně svůj nový singl.




Arts of Erebus sáhli do útrob své loňské desky "An Open Case Of Parousia" a fanouškům nabízejí na svém oficiálním webu ke stažení track "Insight In Darkness". Ke skladbě vznikl i videoklip, který kapela natočila na starém hřbitově v Marville v severní Francii. Klip najdete níže, singlový mix skladby "Insight In Darkness" stahujte ZDE.


Arts of Erebus - Insight In Darkness


French/German gothic rock band Arts Of Erebus recently released a new video clip for the song "Insight In Darkness". Originally the song was released on bands last studio album titled An Open Case Of Parousia which was released in 2013 through Sonorium Records. The song is also released as a free download single on 10th January 2014. Watch the video which was filmed at the old cemetary of Marville in Northern France below. Link - See more at:

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