Twenty years – that's a really long time in a person's life. And that's exactly how long a team of several music enthusiasts is preparing the Prague Gothic Treffen for you. 

Two decades ago, when we gathered a bunch of like-minded black souls for the first Prague Gothic Treffen, none of us had any idea that this activity would grow to its current size and that music enthusiasts would come to us from as far away as overseas (yes, it sounds unbelievable, but this year's PGT was attended by fans from 26 countries, including Australia, the USA, Brazil and Mexico). We've grown together over the years, from DJ sets to live bands, from local artists to international stars. When one club was no longer enough, we expanded. When one night was too short for us, we spread PGT over two days. We outlasted COVID together and became the only gothic festival in the world that didn't break the tradition during the coronavirus epidemic. Several couples have met at PGT, and we've even witnessed two on-stage proposals over the years. Your feedback has driven us on, to make the next year's event even more interesting, better, more memorable.

The last two editions of PGT have already sold out in advance, which makes us very happy, but also obliges us to create another interesting mix of attractive performers next year. But the most important ingredient is you, the visitors. It is you who make the atmosphere of this meeting so unique, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The upcoming edition is a great milestone for us. We will try to prepare for you the best edition yet and if we manage to implement all the ideas we have in our heads now, we believe that this will be an event that will be talked about for a long time to come. But for now let's at least take a look at the four artists confirmed so far for the 20th anniversary edition of Prague Gothic Treffen:

The Belgian dark EBM project Mildreda was founded by Jan Dewulf in his teenage years and even released two albums in the mid-90s. Then he started to pursue other musical challenges and put the band aside for a decade. In the meantime, he honed his skills as a songwriter and producer with the synthpop project Disconnected. His love of dark electro eventually won out, however, and we've seen three more studio albums from Mildreda since 2016, with last year's "Blue-Devilled" collection garnering an overwhelming response. You can clearly hear influences from the Canadian EBM scene in his work, as well as early In Strict Confidence, for example. All this in the Czech premiere, a must for lovers of restless electronica.

Multi-instrumentalist, producer and remixer Pete Burns, known in the music world as Kill Shelter, will come from Edinburgh, Scotland, for the upcoming PGT. His genres range from post-punk to darkwave to various kinds of electronica, and he handles them with his own bravado. His collaborations with major entities of the dark scene such as Agent Side Grinder, Buzz Kull, Clan of Xymox and Antipole have drawn enthusiastic reactions from critics and listeners alike. His remixes have been equally successful, whether it be reworking classics by Bauhaus, Christian Death or She Past Away. Pete Burns will play one of his unique performances at PGT, in which he applies his own synth interludes to prerecorded tracks. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity!

The Greek band Kalte Nacht will also make its Czech premiere. The duo Nick and Myrto got together in 2018 and built their work on darkwave, mixed with a variety of other influences, from urban beats to synthpop to picturesque atmospherics. Kalte Nacht already caught our attention with their eponymous debut album, which they followed up this year with the awesome "Urge", which we recently gushed over in our review. Their live performances, full of driving electronics and Myrtle's expressive vocals, have also received rave reviews. The black horse of the upcoming PGT is coming from Athens this time...


If you're a fan of dance synthpop, you've probably come across one of their imaginative music videos, or had an earworm in your head in the form of one of their catchy choruses. Who are we talking about? The Swiss duo Blackbook, who burst onto the scene with the energy of a hurricane and managed to captivate the entire synthpop nation during their six years of existence. Their trademarks are fencing hoods, electronics imbued with positive energy and excellent live production with flawless vocals. Their current album "Radio Strange" is moving dance floors and radio playlists mightily, and our editors have charted their brilliant performances at several festivals this year (read reports  on our websites). You will simply fall in love with Blackbook and we guarantee that you will still be humming their hits several weeks after their first Czech performance.  

So, the first four acts of the XX. Prague Gothic Treffen are out. However, many slots are still unfilled and we will start working hard to complete the music menu as soon as we recover from this year's PGT. And since we have decided to celebrate the magic 20 years, we are also preparing a number of other surprises, which we will introduce to you in the course of time.

Today we are also launching pre-sale tickets, you can already buy a limited number of "Early Birds" for the lowest pre-sale price of 990 CZK (+ network fees) exclusively at GoOut. We look forward to seeing you there!

29. - 30. August 2025, Praha
live: Blackbook (CH), Kalte Nacht (GR), Kill Shelter (UK), Mildreda (BE), more TBA.
Presale: 990 Kč (40 Euro) + sellers fee (early birds – GoOut.cz), starting from 2.9.2024 afternoon hours


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Letošní ročník byl dramaturgicky vlastně ubohý- post- punk sleduji denně od roku 1981 a než tohle, to raději zůstanu doma, ač to mám na ostrov jen 10 minut! Co nějaké opravdové headlinery? Jinak, nepodporujte už Ukrajinu a ty nesmyslné "švédské" barvy si schovejte pro někoho jiného! K čemu je, že jste teď ohlásili nějaká čtyři jména? Velmi degenerujete a takto žádnou opravdovou gotickou scénu nikdy nevybudujete..
Na ten zvratek o barvach vubec nereagovat, o damaturgii se diskutovat da, ovsem posadka SCZ myslim dela co se da a velmi dobre zna limity a moznosti. ale prispej financne.ci kvalitnimi konexemi na patricnych mistech a razem muze byt leccos jinak : ) A Co bys.jako chtel ? Kjůry ve.fuchsu? to ja taky.
LOL :D. Jestli je neco vlastne ubohyho, je to celej tenhle bezzubej zbytecnej post. Tak nechod, s timhle nikomu chybet nebudes. Ani z roku 1981.
Belgická Mildreda je velký jméno (s budoucností), to se těšíme :-)
Mildreda supr, co treba jeste Dance or die? :-)

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