Paesant | 20.12.2011 06:34
Bang Bang Bang je spaghettiwesternový název nového hudebního projektu Joea a Rhyse z The Horrors. Naplánovali jej jako čistě jednorázový akt.
Zájemci o jejich boční výstřelky budou muset po Novém roce zapátrat na youtube, aby se dobrali jedinečného, ale stejně tak jednorázového koncertu, který chystá bubeník "Coffin" Joe Spurgeon a basák Rhys "Spider" Webb. 31. prosince odehrají set v neokoukaném duchu, s novými tracky, pravděpodobně i řadou coverů - to vše na společném večírku s kolegy S.C.U.M. (o jejich letošním a hodně sledovaném post-punkovém debutu jsme psali zde).
Poslední aktivity The Horrors v letošním roce - remixy nablýskaných popových hitovek - jsme zaznamenali například v této novince.
Rhys Webb and Joe Spurgeon of The Horrors have revealed that they will be forming a new band for New Year's Eve.
Webb told NME that the act will most likely be called Bang Bang Bang and will be a "one-off thing". The December 31 show will take place at the Buffalo Bar in North London and will also see S.C.U.M's Huw Webb – Rhys' brother – in the band. Rhys said: Joe and I are gonna play with a new outfit, which we've as yet not written the music for. It'll be me on bass and singing, my brother who plays in S.C.U.M on guitar and Joe on drums - just a one-off thing.
The night will also see a set from Toy and Bang Bang Bang have promised they will play brand new songs and "might do a couple of covers" as well.
In the Christmas Q&A with NME, Rhys Webb also said that this year he'll be spending Christmas Day at home, but on Boxing Day will be heading down to a "soul party" in Southend with the rest of his bandmates. "It's on the top floor of this old pub," he said, "me and Joe DJ Northern Soul and rhythm'n'blues and stuff. That'll be our fourth year doing it now."
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