25.6.10: Berlín v srpnu opět rozduní noisový festival Schlagstrom

Multifunkční kulturní centrum MIKZ v Berlíně zaplní ve dnech 27. a 28. srpna příznivci noisu a ráznější elektroniky. Na dvou patrech vystoupí na třicet domácích i zahraničních interpretů včetně drum'n'noisových Winterkälte, Stevena Stapletona z Nurse With Wound, indus-technařského Nullvektoru, francouzského breakbeatu Twickle nebo polského industrial-darkambientu Job Karma. Více informací o festivalu najdete na webu schlagstrom.de, dosavadní podobu line-upu zde:  

Pátek 27.08.10 - 2 Floors - live:

Winterkälte [D- complex architecture of hypnotic sounds and brutal rhythmic]
Rasputeen [D- founded in 2003 by a worthless bunch of unemployed subhumans]
Steven Stapleton [Visual Artist and his long running musical output as Nurse with Wound]& Andrew Liles REMIXER,/ PRODUCER/ MEMBER OF NURSE WITH WOUND AND HAS WORKED EXTENSIVELY WITH CURRENT 93
Nullvektor [D- Electrophrenique - Industrial - Techno]
Twinkle [Fr- Industrial Electro Breakbeat]
Mercydesign [D- music is made of metal, thoughts are made of vapour]
CX2 [Bln- Sounds and Raw Beats turns to Rythm and Noise]
SCReening IPT [Bln/dk- because you are worth it]
Yura Yura & Macha Mélanie [Fr- rhythmic noise + live performance/dance]
Alarmen [D- Abstract - Ambient - Industrial]
OKO [Bln- noctivagant]
Skrøder [dk- Sonic solutions and loud breakdown by a one man band]
EUCLID [Bln- oppressive Industrial, Power Electronics and Noise]

Sobota 28.08.10 - 2 Floors - live:

Sonar [Be- release concert, distorted rhythm and noise]
Portion Control [UK- New Album - violently alive]
Morgenstern [D- hypnotic loops, distorted powernoise and heavy industrial tunes]
Hybryds [Be- release concert - ritual - mythical -industrial and magical music]
incite/ [St-Pauli- audiovisual immersion (hands)]
Job Karma [Pl- Cinematic Transambient Postindustrial]
Wieloryb [Pl- The city noise, the heart beat, the rhythm of machines]
Sudden Infant [Bln- physical sound-poetry and dadaistic vocal expressions]
Kunst als Strafe [Bln- release concert - drone ambient cutup noise deconstruction
Schultz and VDREY [Fr- harsh Industrial / painting / erotic and fetish oriented shapes
Zuckendes Fleisch [Bln /Ir- the twitching howl of a city of insects]
Havblik Audio [dk-The sound of the sea]
Vinyl-terror &-horror [dk- "disasters" - a composition for 8 turntables]

Movies by Daemiane (Video/Performance Artist) - Video Installation by Cyper (
livestream.com/cyper) -VJ dekonstruktiv -DJ Team Raubbau - DJ Agent Provocateur - DJ Tamat (IndustrieTerror) - DJ Broadcaststorm - DJ lifeloop

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