Manželku Milese Davise a sexuální soul raných sedmdesátých řádně oprášil v novém coveru "If I'm in Luck I Might Get Picked Up" punkrockový děd Iggy Pop.

Betty Davis, modelka a zpěvačka funky, soulu a rocku (a mimochodem, takřka Iggyho ročník) ji poprvé nazpívala pro svůj debut v roce 1973. Po čtyřech dekádách ožívá v rámci oslav 10 let seattleského labelu Light in the Attic, který u této příležitosti láká sérií jubilejních koncertů i sedmipalcovým singlem plným coverů.
Skladba vznikla ve spolupráci s losangelskými punkery Zig Zags.
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This year, Seattle label Light in the Attic is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a series of concerts and 7" singles featuring covers of songs from the label's catalogue. Here's the A-side of the first installment in the singles series, with Iggy Pop and the L.A. punks Zig Zags doing Betty Davis' awesome, aggressively sexual "If I'm in Luck I Might Get Picked Up" off her 1973 self-titled debut. The colored vinyl 7" features Davis' original on the B-side and is released October 2.
The label is also hosting two anniversary shows-- one at Los Angeles' El Rey on September 28 and the other at Seattle's Showbox at the Market on October 12-- both headlined by cult Detroit singer-songwriter Rodriguez and also featuring Michael Chapman.
Future installments in the 7" series feature Charles Bradley & the Menahan Street Band covering Rodriguez and Sweet Tea featuring Alex Maas of the Black Angels and Erika Wennerstrom of Heartless Bastards covering Wendy Rene.
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